30 Days of Haiku: April 2021
day 1 / through the window
day 2 / signs of spring
day 3 / one year later
day 4 / planting
day 5 / opening
day 6 / morning light
day 7 / a hope
day 8 / pandemic fatigue
day 9 / the garden
day 10 / on a walk
day 11 / caring for
day 12 / spring breeze
day 13 / lingering
day 14 / a grief
#dauntewright #sayhisname
day 15 / warmth
day 16 / listening to
day 17 / april showers
day 18 / honoring
day 19 / birds
#georgefloyd #sayhisname
day 20 / around the house
day 21 / pondering
day 22 / mother earth
day 23 / writing is
day 24 // unread books
day 25 // anticipating
day 26 // treetops
day 27 // never forgotten
day 28 // possibility
day 29 // this time last year