Welcome to Soul Munchies.
I started the site some years ago as a safe place to wrestle with questions of faith and daily life. Since then, I've been through a divorce, re-marriage, a couple of job transitions, several transitions between faith communities, the birth of two children, the purchase and sale of a house we loved dearly, and a huge move from Atlanta - the city we have called home for most of our lives to the Boston-area - a new, very big, very unfamiliar one. These big events have all shaped me, and Soul Munchies, into what it is today - a place where I explore what it looks like to live simply and faithfully.
Although there are exceptions, you'll find that most posts fall into one of three categories: Faith, Family, or Food. These are my three passions, and are the things I devote most of time to. It is only fitting that they are what I write about.
I hope you will find each post to be thoughtful and inspiring. I strive to write in such a way that encourages contemplation and conversation among you, the readers. I firmly believe that no one can grow without having dialogue with others. It is in that belief that I welcome comments and challenges to anything you find posted here. I only ask that you please be respectful in your disagreements and dialogue.