homeschooling 101
Where Do I Start?
Whether you are feeling like you want to go all in with homeschooling, or your kids will be home for Virtual/Remote Learning, I hope this series of posts can give you some helpful hints and help you feel more at peace.
Creating a Homeschool Vision
There’s a lot of talk about “homeschool philosophies” - there’s even a quiz you can take to see what type of homeschooling model will fit you best. But there’s so much more to homeschooling than simply a philosophy. You don’t need to be an expert to create a homeschooling vision.
Creating a Schedule
Here’s a glimpse at what our days look like. I hope these tips can help you in thinking about what your day might look like. You’ll want to make sure you have your list of priorities and your homeschool vision in mind when setting your own schedule!
Choosing Curriculum
I bought my first homeschool curriculum when my oldest was 3, and have learned a thing or two about choosing something to work for us since then. There are SO many curriculum options out there that it can be overwhelming, especially if you can’t quite figure out which one looks like the right one. Here are some helpful hints on choosing curriculum, and some of my favorite resources to take a a look at.